HEXAGRAM 57 – Sun - The
Gentle (The Penetrating, Wind)
Sun is one of the eight doubled trigrams.
· is the eldest daughter
· symbolizes wind or wood;
it has for its attribute gentleness,
which nonetheless penetrates
· like the wind
· like growing wood
with its roots.
The dark
principle, in itself rigid and immovable,
dissolved by the penetrating light principle,
to which
it subordinates itself in gentleness.
1. In nature,
it is the
wind that
disperses the gathered clouds,
leaving the sky clear and serene.
2. In human life
it is penetrating clarity of judgment
thwarts all dark hidden motives.
3. In the life of the community
it is the
powerful influence of a great personality that
uncovers and breaks up those intrigues
which shun the light of day.
Success through what is small.
· It furthers one to have somewhere to go.
· It furthers one to see the great man.
It should
be effected
not by an act of violation
but by influence that never lapses.
Results of this kind are less striking to the eye
those won by surprise attack,
o are more enduring
o more complete.
one would produce such effects
one must have a dearly defined goal,
for only
the penetrating influence works always in the same direction
can the object be attained.
strength can achieve its purpose
only by
subordinating itself to an eminent man
who is capable of creating order.
Winds following one upon the other: The image of THE GENTLY PENETRATING.
superior man
Spreads his commands abroad
carries out his undertakings.
The penetrating quality of the wind depends upon its
o This is what makes it so
o time is its instrument.
In the
same way
the ruler's thought should penetrate the soul of the people.
o This too requires a lasting
influence brought about by
§ enlightenment
§ command.
Only when
the command has been assimilated by the people
is action in accordance with it possible.
without preparation of the ground only
Six at the beginning means:
· In advancing and
· in retreating,
The perseverance of a warrior furthers.
gentleness is often carried to the point of indecisiveness.
does not feel strong enough to advance resolutely.
A thousand doubts crop up;
is, however, not minded to withdraw
drifts indecisively to and fro.
In such a
a military decisiveness is the proper thing,
so that
does what order demands.
Resolute discipline is far better than
· irresolute license.
Nine in the second place means:
Penetration under the bed.
Priests and magicians are used in great number.
Good fortune.
No blame.
At times
has to deal with hidden enemies,
intangible influences that slink into dark corners and
from this hiding
affect people by suggestion.
instances like this,
it is necessary to trace these things back to the most secret recesses,
in order to determine
the nature of the influences to be dealt with.
a) This is the task of the priests;
removing the influences
b) is the task of the
The very
anonymity of such plotting requires
especially vigorous and indefatigable effort,
but this
is well worth while.
For when
influences are
brought into the light
they lose their power over people.
Nine in the third place means:
Repeated penetration.
must not be pushed too far,
lest it cripple the power of decision.
After a
matter has been thoroughly pondered,
it is
to form a decision
to act.
deliberation brings
fresh doubts and scruples,
one shows oneself unable to act.
Six in the fourth place means:
Remorse vanishes.
During the hunt
Three kinds of game are caught.
When a
responsible position
accumulated experience
lead one
to combine
innate modesty
energetic action,
success is assured.
The three
kinds of animals referred to served
for offerings to the gods,
for feasting guests,
for everyday consumption.
the catch answered all three purposes,
the hunt was considered especially successful.
Nine in the fifth place means:
Perseverance brings good fortune.
Remorse vanishes.
Nothing that does not further.
· No beginning,
· an end.
· Before the change, three days.
· After the change, three days.
Good fortune.
In the situation described in Ku, WORK ON WHAT HAS BEEN SPOILED (18),
an entirely new point of departure must be set
whereas here
it is only a question of reforms.
The beginning has not been good,
the moment has been reached when a new direction can be taken.
Change and improvement are called for.
Such steps
must be undertaken
with steadfastness,
that is,
with a firm and correct attitude of mind;
they will succeed,
remorse will disappear.
it must be
remembered that
improvements require careful consideration.
Before a
change is made,
it must be pondered over again and again.
After the
change is made,
it is necessary to note carefully for some time after
how the improvements bear the test of actuality.
Such careful work is accompanied by good fortune.
Nine at the top means:
Penetration under the bed.
He loses
· his property
· his ax.
Perseverance brings misfortune.
A man's
understanding is sufficiently penetrating.
He follows up injurious influences into the most secret corners.
he no longer has the strength to combat them decisively.
In this
attempt to penetrate into the personal domain of
would only
bring harm.
The gentle CEO – being gentle to penetrate
all aspects of the corporation.
Hexagram 57 refers to a gentle CEO. However, gentleness can be deceiving, for
gentleness can be an iron fist behind a velvet glove. A gentle CEO can penetrate or conquer even the
worst situation with his own kindness.
Even evil, at its worst, will eventually surrender to the power of
gentleness, as shown by Mother Theresa.
The I Ching says: “The dark principle, in
itself rigid and immovable, is dissolved by the penetrating light principle, to
which it subordinates itself in gentleness”.
The Superior CEO uses his
own natural weapons for the gentle penetration of all aspects of the
Truth to dispel evil lies.
Righteousness to keep evil actions from hurting the
Gentleness and modesty, particularly when making
changes. The Superior CEO avoids violent
changes or violent penetration, because violence leads to destruction and there
is no need to hurt anyone. He applies
evolutionary changes or gentle penetration because such changes are much more
lasting than revolutionary changes.
A highly focused mind to keep his
target on sight at all times.
Tenacity in the relentless pursuit of his
goals. Tenacity is what makes the gentle
penetration so effective. And
Communication skills to let everyone know well
ahead of time about:
a) The goals,
b) The means to
achieve such goals, and
c) The role
everyone must play in achieving such goals.
The Superior
CEO practices the three rules of change: communication, communication,
communication. He knows that to be
successful he needs to establish the correct attitude for the collective action
of all the employees. That such
collective action can be achieved only if every employee acts together as a
team, as if moved by a single mind, because only then will they easily achieve
the goals. Communication will serve him
to establish this attitude. With such
attitude, the gentle CEO can bring peace and order to any corporation in chaos.
For the investor, the Gentle (Penetrating)
represents in general terms an unfavorable Time-Space to invest.
By itself (no lines) the Time-Space points
to success provided the CEO subordinates to an eminent man capable of creating
Success through what is small.
It furthers one to have somewhere to go.
It furthers one to see the great man.
Penetration produces gradual and
inconspicuous effects. It should be effected not by an act of violation but by influence that
never lapses. Results of this kind are
less striking to the eye than those won by surprise attack, but they are more
enduring and more complete. If one would
produce such effects one must have a dearly defined
goal, for only when the penetrating influence works always in the same
direction can the object be attained.
Small strength can achieve its purpose only by subordinating itself to
an eminent man who is capable of creating order.
The lines include only two possibilities of
Good Fortune, two real negatives and two semi negative.
The following are cases of corporations
under the Gentle Time-Space.
Bank of America Corporation BAC
under CEO Brian T. Moynihan
EMC Corporation EMC under CEO
Joseph M. Tucci
Comcast Corporation CMCSK under
CEO Brian L. Roberts
PACCAR Inc. PCAR under CEO Mark
C. Pigott
(Read at the end of the Hexagram)
Managerial Issue: The gentle
CEO – gently penetrating the corporation – a gentle penetration without
resolution can be a negative managerial practice.
Managerial Lesson: Be
Managerial Warning: At the first stage of the Gentle (Penetrating) Time-Space, the CEO risks
being so gentle as to be irresolute.
Advice: The Superior CEO knows that:
Gentleness without the use of the proper weapons
leads to hesitation, and he who hesitates is lost.
At times of hesitation he must keep in mind his
duty, do as his duty demands, and do it with his utmost determination.
The key to the success of the gentle penetration is
The U.S. Marines say that even a hastily
prepared plan if it is executed with the utmost determination is more likely to
succeed than a perfectly prepared plan executed without any determination.
Investment advice: Do not
Managerial Issue: The gentle
CEO – gently penetrating the corporation – relentless in his penetration.
Managerial Lesson: Be relentless.
Managerial Warning: At the second stage of the Gentle (Penetrating) Time-Space, the CEO finds he
must penetrate the heart of the corporate culture, its prejudices, its beliefs,
and what makes it or does not make it tick.
He must look for hidden enemies (people or principles).
Advice: The Superior CEO knows that:
Even though bad corporate beliefs may seem like
harmless ideas, there usually are evil people behind these ideas, people who
are well entrenched in the corporation.
He must use his tenacity as his main weapon to penetrate into the real source of these evil ideas, as well
as into the evil people inside the corporation who generate these ideas.
Once he successfully penetrates both, then he must
use the truth as his “weapon” to vanish these people and their ideas from the
This is a typical case of a corporation
with a set of beliefs no longer in tune with the times. It is usually these sets of beliefs, which do
more harm than even its competitors. It
was a set of beliefs that hurt Apple Computers during its darkest days.
Investment advice: Invest.
Managerial Issue: The gentle
CEO – gently penetrating the corporation - when to plan and when to execute the
Managerial Lesson: Be balanced (reflection versus action).
Managerial Warning: At the third stage of the Gentle (Penetrating) Time-Space, the CEO finds
that too much planning is as bad as no planning at all.
Advice: The Superior CEO knows that:
Once he has developed a plan in his mind, he must
execute it at once.
Should he fail to act, the employees will perceive
it as sign of weakness and he will lose their
Must keep in mind at all times
that it is the relentless and continuous action that gives gentleness its
There was an old idea that the Japanese
took a long time in deciding but a brief time in executing while the Americans
took a brief time in deciding and a long time in executing. It is a matter of finding a proper balance
between deciding and executing.
Investment advice: Do not
Managerial Issue: The gentle
CEO – gently penetrating the corporation – by combining the best qualities -
humility and resolution.
Managerial Lesson: Be humble.
Managerial Warning: At the fourth stage of the Gentle (Penetrating) Time-Space, the CEO
“combines innate modesty with energetic action”,
Advice: The Superior CEO knows that when he combines even the most basic
qualities mentioned in the beginning of the Hexagram
he will successfully accomplish the task of penetrating the corporation. However, he does not have to have them
all. Humility alone would do it.
Investment advice: Do not
Managerial Issue: The gentle
CEO – gently penetrating the corporation – by applying the law of cause and
Managerial Lesson: Be steadfast/correct.
Managerial Warning: At the fifth stage of the Gentle (Penetrating) Time-Space, the CEO must
realize the importance of cause and effect (follow up).
Advice: The Superior CEO knows that:
Every action generates a reaction, which in turn
generates another action and so forth in a never-ending chain.
Once the gentle CEO executes a plan, he must be
ready and willing to make adjustments.
No plan is so perfect that it takes into
consideration all possible future reactions; however, the CEO can make adjustments as they become necessary.
These continuous adjustments require the CEO
execute his plans with the “weapons” mentioned in the beginning of the
When he makes a change, he should apply the loop
and exercise:
Gentleness to execute the change, then
Patience to wait for the plan to take shape, then
Humility to realize his plan has errors in it, then
Tenacity to seek the truth above all, then
A focused mind to stick only to the issues and to
the issues only, then
Communication skills to make everyone aware of the
changes, then
Gentleness to execute the changes, and
(Repeat the
Investment advice: Invest.
Managerial Issue: The gentle
CEO – gently penetrating the corporation – being gentle but lacking the
strength to gently penetrate the corporation.
Managerial Lesson: Be wise.
Managerial Warning: At the sixth stage of the Gentle (Penetrating) Time-Space, the CEO finds at
times even his gentleness will not allow him to penetrate the corporation.
Advice: The Superior CEO knows that:
There will be times when even his gentleness and
tenacity will bear no effect on the corporation.
When the CEO lacks the Mandate of Heaven and fate
is not in his favor, even for the CEO who holds all the weapons and qualities
required in this Hexagram, it is best not to get involved with this
In such cases it is best to just let the rotten
corporate culture collapse on its own weight, to let evil touch bottom, so that
he might eventually work on what is left.
Investment advice: Do not
of America Corporation BAC under CEO Brian T. Moynihan
Brian Moynihan’s Performance: ROI= (61.23%) Annualized Return= (41.80%)
SPY’s Performance: ROI= 2.52% Annualized
Return= 1.43%
Brian T. Moynihan became CEO of Bank of
America in January of 2010. Since then,
his performance has been extremely poor.
Points the investor should consider:
HEXAGRAM 57 – Sun - The Gentle (The Penetrating, Wind)
Sun is one of the eight doubled
trigrams. It is the eldest daughter and
symbolizes wind or wood; it has for its attribute gentleness, which nonetheless
penetrates like the wind or like growing wood with its roots.
The dark principle, in
itself rigid and immovable, is dissolved by the penetrating light
principle, to which it subordinates itself in gentleness. In nature, it is the wind that disperses the
gathered clouds, leaving the sky clear and serene. In human life it is penetrating clarity of
judgment that thwarts all dark hidden motives.
In the life of the community it is the powerful
influence of a great personality that uncovers and breaks up those intrigues
which shun the light of day.
Success through what is small.
It furthers one to have somewhere to go.
It furthers one to see the great man.
Penetration produces gradual and
inconspicuous effects. It should be effected not by an act of violation but by influence that
never lapses. Results of this kind are
less striking to the eye than those won by surprise attack, but they are more
enduring and more complete. If one would
produce such effects one must have a dearly defined
goal, for only when the penetrating influence works always in the same
direction can the object be attained.
Small strength can achieve its purpose only by subordinating itself to
an eminent man who is capable of creating order.
Winds following one upon the other: The image of THE GENTLY PENETRATING.
Thus the
superior man
Spreads his commands abroad
And carries out his undertakings.
The penetrating quality of the wind depends
upon its ceaselessness. This is what
makes it so powerful; time is its instrument.
In the same way the ruler's thought should penetrate the soul of the
people. This too requires a lasting
influence brought about by enlightenment and command. Only when the command has been assimilated by
the people is action in accordance with it possible. Action without preparation of the ground
only frightens and repels.
Nine in the third place
Repeated penetration.
Penetrating reflection must not be pushed
too far, lest it cripple the power of decision.
After a matter has been thoroughly pondered, it is essential to form a
decision and to act. Repeated
deliberation brings fresh doubts and scruples, and thereby humiliation, because
one shows oneself unable to act.
Six in the fourth place
Remorse vanishes.
During the hunt
Three kinds of game are caught.
When a responsible position and accumulated
experience lead one to combine innate modesty with energetic action, great
success is assured. The three kinds of
animals referred to, served for offerings to the gods, for feasting guests, and
for everyday consumption. When the catch
answered all three purposes, the hunt was considered especially successful.
HEXAGRAM 06 – Sung - Conflict
The upper trigram, whose image is heaven,
has an upward movement; the lower trigram, water, in accordance with its
nature, tends downward. Thus the two halves move away from each other, giving rise
to the idea of conflict.
The attribute of the Creative is strength
that of the abysmal is danger, guile.
Where cunning has force before it, there is conflict.
A third indication of conflict, in terms of
character, is presented by the combination of deep cunning within and fixed
determination outwardly. A person of
this character will certainly be quarrelsome.
You are sincere
And are being obstructed.
A cautious halt halfway brings good
Going through to the end brings misfortune.
It furthers one to see the great man.
It does not further one to cross the great
Conflict develops when one feels himself to
be in the right and runs into opposition.
If one is not convinced of being in the right, opposition leads to
craftiness or high-handed encroachment but not to open conflict.
If a man is entangled in a conflict, his
only salvation lies in being so clear-headed and inwardly strong that he is
always ready to come to terms by meeting the opponent halfway. To carry on the conflict to the bitter end
has evil effects even when one is in the right, because the enmity is then
perpetuated. It is important to see the
great man, that is, an impartial man whose authority is great enough to
terminate the conflict amicably or assure a just decision.
In times of strife, crossing the great
water is to be avoided, that is, dangerous enterprises are not to be begun,
because in order to be successful they require
concerted unity of forces. Conflict
within weakens the power to conquer danger without.
Heaven and water go their opposite ways:
The image of Conflict.
Thus in all his
transactions the superior man
Carefully considers the beginning.
The image indicates that the causes of
conflict are latent in the opposing tendencies of the two trigram. Once these opposing tendencies appear,
conflict is inevitable. To avoid it,
therefore, everything must be taken carefully into consideration in the very
beginning. If rights and duties are
exactly defined, or if, in a group, the spiritual trends of the individuals
harmonize, the cause of conflict is removed in advance.
Corporation EMC under CEO Joseph M. Tucci
Joseph Tucci’s Performance: ROI= (67.56%) Annualized Return= (9.95%)
SPY’s Performance: ROI= (11.75%) Annualized Return= (1.16%)
Joseph M. Tucci became CEO of EMC in
January of 2001. Since then, his
performance has been extremely poor – particularly in the last 6 months.
Because he has been CEO for almost a
decade, we asked the Oracle once more about his future. His new hexagram is The Gentle (Penetration).
Points the investor should consider:
(Same as Above).
(Same as Above).
There are no moving lines.
There is no moving Hexagram because there are no moving lines. The focusing point is the Judgment.
Success through what is small.
It furthers one to have somewhere to go.
It furthers one to see the great man.
Penetration produces gradual and
inconspicuous effects. It should be effected not by an act of violation but by influence that
never lapses. Results of this kind are
less striking to the eye than those won by surprise attack, but they are more
enduring and more complete. If one would
produce such effects one must have a dearly defined
goal, for only when the penetrating influence works always in the same
direction can the object be attained.
Small strength can achieve its purpose only by subordinating itself to
an eminent man who is capable of creating order.
Of interest is the Nuclear
HEXAGRAM 38 - K'uei
- Opposition
This hexagram is composed of the trigram Li
above, i.e., flame, which burns upward, and Tui below, i.e., the lake, which
seeps downward. These two movements are
in direct contrast. Furthermore, Li is
the second daughter and Tui the youngest daughter, and although they live in
the same house they belong, to different men; hence their wills are not the
same but are divergently directed.
In small matters, good fortune.
When people live in opposition and estrangement they cannot carry out a great undertaking in
common; their points of view diverge too widely. In such circumstances one should above all not proceed brusquely, for that would only increase the
existing opposition; instead, one should limit oneself to producing gradual
effects in small matters. Here success
can still be expected, because the situation is such that the opposition does
not preclude all agreement.
In general, opposition appears as an
obstruction, but when it represents polarity within a comprehensive whole, it
has also its useful and important functions.
The oppositions of heaven and earth, spirit and nature, man and woman,
when reconciled, bring about the creation and reproduction of life. In the world of visible things, the principle
of opposites makes possible the differentiation by categories through which
order is brought into the world.
Above, fire, below, the lake: The image of OPPOSITION.
Thus amid all
The superior man retains his individuality.
The two elements, fire and water, never
mingle but even when in contact retain their own natures. So the cultured man
is never led into baseness or vulgarity through intercourse or community of
interests with persons of another sort; regardless of all commingling, he will
always preserve his individuality.
Corporation CMCSK under CEO Brian L. Roberts
Brian Roberts’ Performance: ROI= 44.28% Annualized
Return= 4.19%
SPY’s Performance: ROI= 23.95% Annualized Return= 2.43%
Brian L. Roberts became CEO of Comcast in
November of 2002. Since then, he has
been able to outperform the SPY.
Because he has been CEO for almost a
decade, we asked the Oracle once more about his future. His new hexagram is The Gentle (Penetrating).
Points the investor should consider:
(Same as Above).
(Same as Above).
Nine at the top means:
Penetration under the bed.
He loses his property and his ax.
Perseverance brings misfortune.
A man's understanding is sufficiently
penetrating. He follows up injurious
influences into the most secret corners.
But he no longer has the strength to combat them decisively. In this case any attempt to penetrate into the personal domain of darkness would only
bring harm.
HEXAGRAM 48 – Ching - The Well
Wood is below, water above. The wood goes down into the earth to bring up
water. The image derives from the
pole-and-bucket well of ancient China.
The wood represents not the buckets, which in ancient times were made of
clay, but rather the wooden poles by which the water is hauled up from the
well. The image also refers to the world
of plants, which lift water out of the earth by means of their fibers.
The well from which water is drawn conveys
the further idea of an inexhaustible dispensing of nourishment.
The town may be changed,
But the well cannot be changed.
It neither decreases nor increases.
They come and go and draw from the well.
If one gets down almost to the water
And the rope does not go all the way,
Or the jug breaks, it brings misfortune.
In ancient China the capital cities were
sometimes moved, partly for the sake of more favorable location, partly because
of a change in dynasties. The style of
architecture changed in the course of centuries, but
the shape of the well has remained the same from ancient times to this
day. Thus the
well is the symbol of that social structure which, evolved by mankind in
meeting its most primitive needs, is independent of all political forms. Political structures change, as do nations,
but the life of man with its needs remains eternally the same - this cannot be
changed. Life is also
inexhaustible. It grows neither less nor
more; it exists for one and for all. The
generations come and go, and all enjoy life in its inexhaustible abundance.
However, there are two prerequisites for a
satisfactory political or social organization of mankind. We must go down to the very foundations of
life. For any merely superficial
ordering of life that leaves its deepest needs unsatisfied is as ineffectual as
if no attempt at order had ever been made.
Carelessness - by which the jug is broken - is also disastrous. If for instance the military defense of a
state is carried to such excess that it provokes wars by which the power of the
state is annihilated, this is a breaking of the jug.
This hexagram applies also to the
individual. However men may differ in
disposition and in education, the foundations of human nature are the same in
everyone. And every human being can draw
in the course of his education from the inexhaustible
wellspring of the divine in man's nature.
But here likewise two dangers threaten: a man may fail in his education
to penetrate to the real roots of humanity and remain fixed in conventions
partial education of this sort is as bad as none or he may suddenly
collapse and neglect his self-development.
Water over wood: the image of THE WELL.
Thus the
superior man encourages the people at their work,
And exhorts them to help one another.
The trigram Sun, wood, is below, and the
trigram K'an, water, is above it. Wood sucks water upward. Just as wood as an organism imitates the action
of the well, which benefits all parts of the plant, the superior man organizes
human society, so that, as in a plant organism, its parts cooperate for the
benefit of the whole.
PCAR under CEO Mark C. Pigott
Mark Pigott’s Performance: ROI= 465.33% Annualized
Return= 12.44%
SPY’s Performance: ROI= 48.57% Annualized Return= 2.72%
Mark C. Pigott became CEO of PACCAR Inc. in
January of 1997. Since then, he has been
able to outperform the SPY substantially.
Because he has been CEO for a long time, we
asked the Oracle once more about his future.
His new hexagram is The Gentle (The Penetrating).
Since mid-2011 his performance has been
below the SPY’s, thus he needs to change his strategy.
Points the investor should consider:
(Same as Above).
(Same as Above).
Nine in the second place
Penetration under the bed.
Priests and magicians are used in great
Good fortune.
No blame.
At times one has to
deal with hidden enemies, intangible influences that slink into dark corners
and from this hiding affect people by suggestion. In instances like this, it is necessary to
trace these things back to the most secret recesses, in order
to determine the nature of the influences to be dealt with. This is the task of the priests; removing the
influences is the task of the magicians.
The very anonymity of such plotting requires an especially vigorous and
indefatigable effort, but this is well worth while. For when such elusive influences are brought
into the light and branded, they lose their power over people.
Nine in the third place
Repeated penetration.
Penetrating reflection must not be pushed
too far, lest it cripple the power of decision.
After a matter has been thoroughly pondered, it is essential to form a
decision and to act. Repeated
deliberation brings fresh doubts and scruples, and thereby humiliation, because
one shows oneself unable to act.
HEXAGRAM 20 – Kuan - Contemplation (View)
A slight variation of tonal stress gives
the Chinese name for this hexagram a double meaning. It means both contemplating and being seen,
in the sense of being an example. These
ideas are suggested by the fact that the hexagram can be understood as
picturing a type of tower characteristic of ancient China.
A tower of this kind commanded a wide view
of the country; at the same time, when situated on a mountain, it became a
landmark that could be seen for miles around.
Thus the hexagram shows a ruler who
contemplates the law of heaven above him and the ways of the people below, and
who, by means of good government, sets a lofty example to the masses.
This hexagram is linked with the eighth
month (September - October). The
light-giving power retreats and the dark power is again on the increase. However, this aspect is not material in the
interpretation of the hexagram as a whole.
The ablution has been made,
But not yet the offering.
Full of trust they look up to him.
The sacrificial ritual in China began with
an ablution and a libation by which the Deity was invoked, after which the
sacrifice was offered. The moment of
time between these two ceremonies is the most sacred of all, the moment of
deepest inner concentration. If piety is
sincere and expressive of real faith, the contemplation of it has a
transforming and awe-inspiring effect on those who witness it.
Thus also in
nature a holy seriousness is to be seen in the fact that natural occurrences
are uniformly subject to law.
Contemplation of the divine meaning underlying the workings of the
universe gives to the man who is called upon to influence others the means of
producing like effects. This requires
that power of inner concentration which religious contemplation develops in
great men strong in faith. It enables
them to apprehend the mysterious and divine laws of life, and by means of
profoundest inner concentration they give expression to these laws in their own
persons. Thus a
hidden spiritual power emanates from them, influencing and dominating others
without their being aware of how it happens.
The wind blows over the earth: The image of
Thus the kings
of old visited the regions of the world,
Contemplated the people,
And gave them instruction.
When the wind blows over the earth it goes
far and wide and the grass must bend to its power. These two occurrences find confirmation in
the hexagram. The two images are used to
symbolize a practice of the kings of old; in making regular journeys the ruler
could, in the first place, survey his realm and make certain that none of the
existing usages of the people escaped notice; in the second, he could exert
influence through which such customs as were unsuitable could be changed.
All of this points to the power possessed
by a superior personality. On the one
hand, such a man will have a view of the real sentiments of the great mass of
humanity and therefore cannot be deceived; on the other, he will impress the
people so profoundly, by his mere existence and by the impact of his
personality, that they will be swayed by him as the grass by the wind.