HEXAGRAM 36 - Ming I - Darkening of the Light





Here the sun

·        has sunk under the earth and

·        is therefore darkened. 

The name of the hexagram means literally "wounding of the bright"; hence

the individual lines contain frequent references to wounding. 

The situation is the exact opposite of that in the foregoing hexagram. 

In the latter

·        a wise man at the head of affairs

o   has able helpers, and in company with them

o   makes progress;


·        a man of dark nature

o   is in a position of authority and

o   brings harm to the wise and able man.





In adversity

It furthers one to be persevering.



·        must not unresistingly let himself be swept along

by unfavorable circumstances,

·        nor permit his steadfastness to be shaken. 

He can avoid this by

·        maintaining his inner light, while

·        remaining outwardly yielding and tractable. 

With this attitude

he can overcome even the greatest adversities.


In some situations indeed a man

·        must hide his light, in order to

·        make his will prevail in spite of difficulties in his immediate environment. 


·        must dwell in inmost consciousness and

·        should not be discernible from without. 

Only thus is

a man able to maintain his will in the face of difficulties.




The light has sunk into the earth:  The image of DARKENING OF THE LIGHT.

Thus does

·        the superior man live with the great mass:

·        He

o   veils his light,

o   yet still shines.


In a time of darkness it is essential to be

·        cautious and

·        reserved. 

One should not needlessly awaken overwhelming enmity

by inconsiderate behavior. 

In such times

·        one ought not to fall in with the practices of others;

·        neither should one drag them censoriously into the light. 

In social intercourse

·        one should not try to be all-knowing. 

·        One should let many things pass, without being duped.




Nine at the beginning means:

Darkening of the light during flight.

He lowers his wings.

The superior man

·        does not eat for three days On his wanderings.

But he

·        has somewhere to go.

The host has occasion to gossip about him


With grandiose resolve

a man

·        endeavors to soar above all obstacles, but thus

·        encounters a hostile fate. 


·        retreats and

·        evades the issue. 

The time is difficult. 

Without rest, he must hurry along,

with no permanent abiding place. 

If he

·        does not want to make compromises within himself,

·        but insists on remaining true to his principles,

he suffers deprivation. 


he has a fixed goal to strive for,

even though the people with whom he lives

·        do not understand him and

·        speak ill of him.


0 Six in the second place means: 

Darkening of the light injures him in the left thigh. 

He gives aid with the strength of a horse. 

Good fortune.


Here the Lord of Light

·        is in a subordinate place and

·        is wounded by the Lord of Darkness. 

But the injury is not fatal;

it is only a hindrance. 

Rescue is still possible. 

·        The wounded man gives no thought to himself;

·        he thinks only of saving the others who are also in danger. 


he tries with all his strength to save all that can be saved. 

There is good fortune in thus acting according to duty.


Nine in the third place means:

Darkening of the light during the hunt in the south. 

Their great leader is captured. 

One must not expect perseverance too soon.


It seems as if chance were at work. 

·        While the strong, loyal man

o   is striving eagerly and in good faith to create order,

·        he

o   meets the ringleader of the disorder, as if by accident, and

o   seizes him. 

Thus victory is achieved. 

But in abolishing abuses one must not be too hasty. 

This would turn out badly

because the abuses have been in existence so long.


Six in the fourth place means: 

He penetrates the left side of the belly. 


·        gets at the very heart of the darkening of the light,  And

·        leaves gate and courtyard.



find ourselves close to the commander of darkness and so

discover his most secret thoughts. 

In this way

·        we realize that there is no longer any hope of improvement, and thus

·        we are enabled to leave the scene of disaster before the storm breaks.


Six in the fifth place means: 

Darkening of the light as with Prince Chi. 

Perseverance furthers.


Prince Chi

lived at the court of the evil tyrant Chou Hsin, who,

although not mentioned by name,

furnishes the historical example on which this whole situation is based. 

Prince Chi

was a relative of the tyrant and

could not withdraw from court;



·        concealed his true sentiments and

·        feigned insanity. 


·        he was held a slave,

·        he did not allow external misery to deflect him from his convictions.


This provides a teaching for those who cannot leave their posts in times of darkness. 

In order to escape danger,

they need

·        invincible perseverance of spirit and

·        redoubled caution in their dealings with the world.


Six at the top means: 

Not light but darkness. 

·        First he climbed up to heaven,

·        Then he plunged into the depths of the earth.


Here the climax of the darkening is reached. 

·        The dark power at first held so high a place that

·        it could wound all who were on the side of good and of the light. 

But in the end

·        it perishes of its own darkness,

·        for evil

o   must itself fall at the very moment when

·        it

o   has wholly overcome the good, and thus

o   consumed the energy to which it owed its duration.
















The CEO – managing the Darkening of the Light – betrayed by his closest associates.


Hexagram 36 (The Darkening of the Light) is the opposite of the previous Hexagram (35 Progress). 








The Superior CEO is patient and forgiving and therefore does not allow betrayal to change his demeanor.  When he becomes aware that his most trusted and loyal advisor betrays him, he knows there is nothing for him to do but to:


·        Be patient,

·        Withstand all the humiliations,

·        Do what is right,

·        Keep flexible. 


The Superior CEO knows the Law of Cycles and therefore is certain the time of reckoning for his disloyal assistant will surely come.


Lincoln’s example represents the classic behavior for managing under the Darkening of the Light.  After barely arriving at the White House, he found himself at the start of a Civil War not of his making.  His lack of military training forced him to rely on the counsel of a Prima Donna.  To his dismay, Lincoln learned that his most trusted general betrayed him.  Regardless of the honors Lincoln bestowed upon McClellan, the Little Napoleon took every opportunity to humiliate Lincoln, to speak evil of him and to bring harm to his Presidency as well as his cause. 


Always the wiser, Lincoln:


·        Kept his own counsel. 

·        Never spoke ill of McClellan, lest he would bring more enemies upon himself. 

·        Knew that in the end McClelland would prove to be his own worst enemy. 

·        Knew that all he had to do was: to keep an eye on the ultimate outcome (winning the war), to bide his time, and to turn a deaf ear while at the same time being very much aware of the evil surrounding him.


That same trait which had brought Lincoln to the Highest Office would also bring him to the inevitable victory - that trait, that element which has made so many men successful, is a combination of humility with tenacity (humacity?).


Lincoln’s attitude should be an example to all CEOs.  There will be times when the elements point to a Dark time, to difficulties ahead.  The wise CEO must do as Lincoln did: be humble, avoid criticism, keep an eye on the ultimate outcome and let his own tenacity do the rest.






For the investor, the Darkening of the Light Time-Space is obviously not favorable at all.  How could anyone invest in a corporation where the able assistant betrays the CEO?. 


By itself (no lines) it points the way for the CEO to persevere in the midst of adversity.  However, this cannot be a good opportunity to invest.



In adversity

It furthers one to be persevering.


One must not unresistingly let himself be swept along by unfavorable circumstances, nor permit his steadfastness to be shaken.  He can avoid this by maintaining his inner light, while remaining outwardly yielding and tractable.  With this attitude he can overcome even the greatest adversities.


In some situations indeed a man must hide his light, in order to make his will prevail in spite of difficulties in his immediate environment.  Perseverance must dwell in inmost consciousness and should not be discernible from without.  Only thus is a man able to maintain his will in the face of difficulties.


There is only one possibility to invest and that is in the second line when the CEO barely manages to save his corporation thanks to his selflessness.  But even then, it might not be worth it.


The following case is that of corporations under the Darkening of the Light Time-Space:


·        News Corp. NWS under CEO Keith Rupert Murdoch


(Read at end of the Hexagram).





There is another case that we should review as a classic example of having it all to succeed and yet being crushed by the Darkness.  Such is the case of:


·        Sun Microsystems under CEO Scott McNealy


(Read On Management).










Managerial Issue: The CEO – managing the Darkening of the Light - the beginning.


Managerial Lesson: Be true. 


Managerial Warning: At the first stage of the Darkening of the Light Time-Space, the CEO faces the beginning of the difficult times that will not allow him to achieve his goals - his own people not only fail to understand him but speak evil of him.


Managerial Advice: The Superior CEO is true to his own self.  He keeps the ultimate outcome in mind, even if it means he will be misunderstood and humiliated. He knows his ideas, his vision and his capacity are great but he recognizes there is little he can do because he is in the downside of the cycle. 


Investment Advice: Do not invest.  






Managerial Issue: The CEO – managing the Darkening of the Light - saving himself and his corporation from the onslaught of the Darkness.


Managerial Lesson: Be selfless. 


Managerial Warning: At the second stage of the Darkening of the Light Time-Space, the CEO’s most trusted advisor harms him.  However, such harm is not fatal.  The CEO still can survive and thrive.


Managerial Advice: The Superior CEO is selfless and therefore betrayal cannot harm him.  He can still turn the corporation around provided his only thoughts are to save his corporation and the employees.  Fate will surely reward such selflessness.


Investment Advice: Invest.  Be aware of the risk and be patient. 





Managerial Issue: The CEO – managing the Darkening of the Light - moving slowly when fixing wrongs.


Managerial Lesson: Be patient (particularly in the face of evil). 


Managerial Warning: At the third stage of the Darkening of the Light Time-Space, fate intervenes and , almost by accident, the CEO catches his disloyal assistant in wrong doings and brings him to justice. 


Managerial Advice: The Superior CEO moves patiently when correcting wrongs.  He never tries to correct all wrongs at once, particularly when these wrongs have been present for a long time.  He knows such action would only create more enemies at a time when he needs all the friends he can get.


Investment Advice: Do not invest.






Managerial Issue: The CEO – managing the Darkening of the Light - avoiding utter destruction.


Managerial Lesson: Be cautious. 


Managerial Warning: At the fourth stage of the Darkening of the Light Time-Space, the CEO is able to get close to his disloyal assistant (“keep your friends close, but your enemies even closer”) and learns about his evil plans.  Such plans are so far advanced there is no longer any hope for improvements and so he finds himself trapped.


Managerial Advice: The Superior CEO picks his fights well.  He knows when to fight and when not to fight.  He knows the best policy is to avoid the fight before it evens begin.  Experience has taught him that most traitors are unrepentant and will want to carry out their evil plans to completion.  If the Superior CEO suspects well ahead of time that he will lose the fight, he will wisely keep away from such evil. 


Investment Advice: Do not invest.






Managerial Issue: The CEO – managing the Darkening of the Light – avoiding destruction by deceiving his enemies.


Managerial Lesson: Be unassuming. 


Managerial Warning: At the fifth stage of the Darkening of the Light Time-Space,  the CEO is tied to his position and cannot escape (or may be does not want to escape).  Probably his love for his corporation is greater than his concern for his own reputation. 

Managerial Advice: The Superior CEO puts the well-being of the corporation above his concern for his own personal reputation.  He knows that sometimes, when there is no way out, it is strategic for him to appear as a fool and to make his enemies think of him as a fool.  This is a good recourse for the CEO to deceive his enemies.  He knows that to be prudent and tenacious is his only way out.


Investment Advice: Do not invest. 






Managerial Issue: The CEO – managing the Darkening of the Light – the end of darkness.


Managerial Lesson: Be watchful. 


Managerial Warning: At the sixth stage of the Darkening of the Light Time-Space, the CEO must prepare for the end of the dark cycle.  The same circumstances, which created the dark environment, are now dissipating.


Managerial Advice: The Superior CEO knows that absolute power corrupts absolutely because it undermines even its own evil foundations.  The symbol of the TAO symbolizes it.  Neither the YANG nor the YIN can have the absolute power over the other.  They can neither completely destroy nor completely cancel each other out.  Even at its strongest position, the opposite is still there to eventually take its place.  Just as stability creates instability, instability creates stability.


Investment Advice: Do not invest.









News Corp. NWS under CEO Keith Rupert Murdoch



Rupert Murdochs Performance:  ROI=    551.63%         Annualized Return=            8.24%


Rupert Murdochs Performance:  ROI=    153.19%         Annualized Return=            5.31%

SPY’s Performance:                            ROI=    165.62%     Annualized Return=            5.40%        



Rupert Murdoch has been CEO of News Corp since its inception.  His performance since January of 1988 has been of 551.63%.


But compared with the SPY’s since February of 1993 his performance has not been much better than the SPY’s.


What is worrisome is that going forward from 2011 on, he faces the Darkening of the Light which is an extremely difficult Time-Space to manage.  Perhaps the Moving Hexagram Enthusiasm might give him a hint as to how to proceed.  To create Enthusiasm:


It furthers


to install helpers And

to set armies marching.



Points the investor should consider:





HEXAGRAM 36 - Ming I - Darkening of the Light


Here the sun has sunk under the earth and is therefore darkened.  The name of the hexagram means literally "wounding of the bright"; hence the individual lines contain frequent references to wounding.  The situation is the exact opposite of that in the foregoing hexagram.  In the latter a wise man at the head of affairs has able helpers, and in company with them makes progress; here a man of dark nature is in a position of authority and brings harm to the wise and able man.






In adversity

It furthers one to be persevering.


One must not unresistingly let himself be swept along by unfavorable circumstances, nor permit his steadfastness to be shaken.  He can avoid this by maintaining his inner light, while remaining outwardly yielding and tractable.  With this attitude he can overcome even the greatest adversities.


In some situations indeed a man must hide his light, in order to make his will prevail in spite of difficulties in his immediate environment.  Perseverance must dwell in inmost consciousness and should not be discernible from without.  Only thus is a man able to maintain his will in the face of difficulties.





The light has sunk into the earth:  The image of DARKENING OF THE LIGHT.

Thus does the superior man live with the great mass:

He veils his light, yet still shines.


In a time of darkness it is essential to be cautious and reserved.  One should not needlessly awaken overwhelming enmity by inconsiderate behavior.  In such times one ought not to fall in with the practices of others; neither should one drag them censoriously into the light.  In social intercourse one should not try to be all-knowing.  One should let many things pass, without being duped.





Nine at the beginning means:

Darkening of the light during flight.

He lowers his wings.

The superior man does not eat for three days

On his wanderings.

But he has somewhere to go.

The host has occasion to gossip about him


With grandiose resolve a man endeavors to soar above all obstacles, but thus encounters a hostile fate.  He retreats and evades the issue.  The time is difficult.  Without rest, he must hurry along, with no permanent abiding place.  If he does not want to make compromises within himself, but insists on remaining true to his principles, he suffers deprivation.  Nevertheless he has a fixed goal to strive for, even though the people with whom he lives do not understand him and speak ill of him.



Nine in the third place means:

Darkening of the light during the hunt in the south. 

Their great leader is captured. 

One must not expect perseverance too soon.


It seems as if chance were at work.  While the strong, loyal man is striving eagerly and in good faith to create order, he meets the ringleader of the disorder, as if by accident, and seizes him.  Thus victory is achieved.  But in abolishing abuses one must not be too hasty.  This would turn out badly because the abuses have been in existence so long.



Six in the fourth place means: 

He penetrates the left side of the belly. 

One gets at the very heart of the darkening of the light, 

And leaves gate and courtyard.


We find ourselves close to the commander of darkness and so discover his most secret thoughts.  In this way we realize that there is no longer any hope of improvement, and thus we are enabled to leave the scene of disaster before the storm breaks.






HEXAGRAM 16 – Yu - Enthusiasm


The strong line in the fourth place, that of the leading official, meets with response and obedience from all the other lines, which are all weak.  The attribute of the upper trigram, Chen, is movement; the attributes of K'un, the lower, are obedience and devotion.  This begins a movement that meets with devotion and therefore inspires enthusiasm, carrying all with it.  Of great importance, furthermore, is the law of movement along the line of least resistance, which in this hexagram is enunciated as the law for natural events and for human life.






It furthers one to install helpers

And to set armies marching.


The time of ENTHUSIASM derives from the fact that there is at hand an eminent man who is in sympathy with the spirit of the people and acts in accord with it.  Hence he finds universal and willing obedience.  To arouse enthusiasm it is necessary for a man to adjust himself and his ordinances to the character of those whom he has to lead.  The inviolability of natural laws rests on this principle of movement along the line of least resistance.  These laws are not forces external to things but represent the harmony of movement immanent in them.  That is why the celestial bodies do not deviate from their orbits and why all events in nature occur with fixed regularity.  It is the same with human society: only such laws as are rooted in popular sentiment can be enforced, while laws violating this sentiment merely arouse resentment.


Again, it is enthusiasm that enables us to install helpers for the completion of an undertaking without fear of secret opposition.  It is enthusiasm too that can unify mass movements, as in war, so that they achieve victory.





Thunder comes resounding out of the earth:  The image of ENTHUSIASM.

Thus the ancient kings made music In order to honor merit,

And offered it with splendor

To the Supreme Deity,

Inviting their ancestors to be present.


When, at the beginning of summer, thunder - electrical energy - comes rushing forth from the earth again, and the first thunderstorm refreshes nature, a prolonged state of tension is resolved.  Joy and relief make themselves felt.  So too, music has power to ease tension within the heart and to loosen the grip of obscure emotions.  The enthusiasm of the heart expresses itself involuntarily in a burst of song, in dance and rhythmic movement of the body.  From immemorial times the inspiring effect of the invisible sound that moves all hearts, and draws them together, has mystified mankind.


Rulers have made use of this natural taste for music; they elevated and regulated it.  Music was looked upon as something serious and holy, designed to purify the feelings of men.  It fell to music to glorify the virtues of heroes and thus to construct a bridge to the world of the unseen.  In the temple men drew near to God with music and pantomimes (out of this later the theater developed).  Religious feeling for the Creator of the world was united with the most sacred of human feelings, that of reverence for the ancestors.  The ancestors were invited to these divine services as guests of the Ruler of Heaven and as representatives of humanity in the higher regions.  This uniting of the human past with the Divinity in solemn moments of religious inspiration established the bond between God and man.  The ruler who revered the Divinity in revering his ancestors became thereby the Son of Heaven, in whom the heavenly and the earthly world met in mystical contact.  These ideas are the final summation of Chinese culture. 


Confucius has said of the great sacrifice at which these rites were performed:

"He who could wholly comprehend this sacrifice could rule the world as though it were spinning on his hand."