HEXAGRAM 35 – Chin - Progress





The hexagram represents the sun rising over the earth. 

It is therefore the symbol of rapid, easy progress,

which at the same time means

·        ever widening expansion and

·        clarity.





The powerful prince

Is honored with horses in large numbers.

In a single day he is granted audience three times.


As an example of progress, this pictures a time when

a powerful feudal lord

·        rallies the other lords around the sovereign and

·        pledges fealty and peace. 

The sovereign

·        rewards him richly and

·        invites him to a closer intimacy.


A twofold idea is set forth here. 

1.   The actual effect of the progress emanates from a man

·        who is in a dependent position and

·        whom the others

o   regard as their equal and

o   are therefore willing to follow. 

This leader has enough clarity of vision

·        not to abuse his great influence

·        but to use it rather for the benefit of his ruler. 

2.   His ruler in turn

·        is free of all jealousy,

·        showers presents on the great man, and

·        invites him continually to his court. 


·        An enlightened ruler and

·        an obedient servant –

this is the condition on which great progress depends.




The sun rises over the earth: The image Of PROGRESS.

Thus the superior man himself

Brightens his bright virtue.


The light of the sun as it rises over the earth is by nature clear. 

The higher the sun rises,

the more it emerges from the dark mists,

spreading the pristine purity of its rays over an ever widening area. 

The real nature of man

·        is likewise originally good,

·        but it

o   becomes clouded by contact with earthly things and therefore

o   needs purification before it can shine forth in its native clarity.  1




Six at the beginning means: 

Progressing, but turned back. 

Perseverance brings good fortune. 


·        one meets with no confidence,

·        one should remain calm. 

No mistake.


At a time when all elements are pressing for progress,

·        we are still uncertain whether in the course of advance

·        we may not meet with a rebuff. 

Then the thing to do is simply to continue in what is right;

in the end this will bring good fortune. 

It may be that we meet with no confidence. 

In this case

·        we ought not to try to win confidence regardless of the situation,

·        but should

·        remain calm and cheerful and

·        refuse to be roused to anger. 

Thus we remain free of mistakes.


Six in the second place means:

Progressing, but in sorrow. 

Perseverance brings good fortune. 

Then one obtains great happiness from one's ancestries.


Progress is halted;

an individual is kept from getting in touch with

the man in authority with whom he has a connection. 

When this happens,

he must remain persevering, although he is grieved;

then with a maternal gentleness

the man in question will bestow great happiness upon him. 

This happiness

·        comes to him - and

·        is well deserved –

because in this case

mutual attraction

·        does not rest on selfish or partisan motives

·        but on firm and correct principles.


Six in the third place means: 

All are in accord. 

Remorse disappears.


A man strives onward, in association with others whose backing encourages him. 

This dispels any cause for regret over the fact that

he does not have enough independence to triumph unaided over every hostile turn of fate.


Nine in the fourth place means:

Progress like a hamster. 

Perseverance brings danger.


In times of progress

it is easy for strong men in the wrong places to amass great possessions. 

But such conduct

·        shuns the light.  And


times of progress are also always

times in which dubious procedures are inevitably brought to light,

·        perseverance in such action always leads to danger.


0 Six in the fifth place means:

Remorse disappears. 

Take not gain and loss to heart.

Undertakings bring good fortune.

Everything serves to further.


The situation described here is that of one who,

·        finding himself in an influential position in a time of progress,

·        remains gentle and reserved. 

He might reproach himself for lack of energy in

·        making the most of the propitiousness of the time and

·        obtaining all possible advantage. 

However, this regret passes away. 

He must not take either loss or gain to heart;

they are minor considerations. 

What matters much more is the fact that in this way

he has assured himself of opportunities for successful and beneficent influence.


Nine at the top means: 

Making progress with the horns is permissible

Only for the purpose of punishing one's own city. 

To be conscious of danger brings good fortune.

No blame.

Perseverance brings humiliation.


Making progress with lowered horns –

i.e., acting on the offensive –

is permissible, in times like those referred to here,

only in dealing with the mistakes of one's own people. 

Even then

we must bear in mind that proceeding on the offensive may always be dangerous. 

In this way


·        avoid the mistakes that otherwise threaten, and

·        succeed in what we set out to do. 

On the other hand,

perseverance in such over energetic behavior,

especially toward persons with whom there is no close connection,

will lead to humiliation.



1. This is the theme dealt with in detail in the Great Learning, Ta Hsueh [The Chinese Classics, I: Confucian Analects, etc., tr.  James Legge, 2nd edn., Oxford, 1893, PP- 355-81].


























The CEO – managing the corporation’s progress.


The PROGRESS Time-Space represents a great time for the corporation. This is a time for easy growth, overcoming obstacles, launching new products, hiring new people, corporate expansion, clear vision as represented by the sun rising over the Earth, and for the light shining upon hidden issues.







Hexagram 35 provides the CEO with one of the I Ching’s greatest lessons:


The I Ching recommends two elements needed for a corporation to be successful:


a) A capable CEO, and


b) A loyal assistant.


The role of the assistant here is crucial.  The assistant should execute the CEO’s ideas not as his but as that of his boss’, not looking for personal advancement but rather for the advancement of the CEO and of the corporation.  The CEO, on the other hand should look upon his assistant as his personal friend and trusted advisor, and reward him richly and publicly for all his efforts. This combination of a wise CEO and an able as well as very loyal assistant creates a powerful team. And it is this team, which in turn brings about quick progress.  The corporate world is full of these kinds of teams – for instance, the teaming up of Bill Gates and Steven Ballmer proved to be a successful combination for many years (it fell apart when Gates left).  Even though such combination may sound easy to ensemble, it is difficult because it requires an almost perfect fit. 






For the investor, PROGRESS is a favorable Time-Space to invest. 


By itself (no lines) it is positive because the CEO has the clarity of vision.



The powerful prince

Is honored with horses in large numbers.

In a single day he is granted audience three times.

As an example of progress, this pictures a time when a powerful feudal lord rallies the other lords around the sovereign and pledges fealty and peace.  The sovereign rewards him richly and invites him to a closer intimacy.


A twofold idea is set forth here.  The actual effect of the progress emanates from a man who is in a dependent position and whom the others regard as their equal and are therefore willing to follow.  This leader has enough clarity of vision not to abuse his great influence but to use it rather for the benefit of his ruler.  His ruler in turn is free of all jealousy, showers presents on the great man, and invites him continually to his court.  An enlightened ruler and an obedient servant - this is the condition on which great progress depends.


There are 3 good fortune events and one not good fortune but still a reasonable possibility to invest. 










Managerial Issue: The CEO – managing the corporation’s progress – hesitating to manage progress even though all the elements are there - missing on the progress.


Managerial Lesson: Be decisive. 


Managerial Warning: At the first stage of the Progress Time-Space, the CEO risks missing the time of progress.  He hesitates because he fears rejection.


Managerial Advice:, The Superior CEO recognizes his mistakes and will continue to do what is right.  He will keep the proper attitude that Progress demands – by being of good cheer, by keeping the spirits up, by being cool (no anger), by being hopeful, and by not doing anything rash to rally the troops as that might lead to mistakes.  The Superior CEO knows when all the elements of success are there.  And he also knows that if he stays calmed, then he will make progress once all the elements fall into place.


Investment Advice:  Invest.  You may have to wait awhile for your investment to turn profitable.






Managerial Issue: The CEO – missing the time for progress for lack of communication.


Managerial Lesson: Be communicative. 


Managerial Warning: At the second stage of the Progress Time-Space, the CEO faces a breakdown in the communications with his loyal assistant.  They cannot get together either because there might be people interfering between the two or because the CEO is too busy to meet him. 


Managerial Advice: The Superior assistant is patient regardless of the reason why the CEO cannot meet him.  He rests assured that in due time the CEO will meet him and reward him richly for his well-earned services.  What is important is that they are both united not by selfish motives but by correct principles.  This is a lesson for those assistants who go whining the minute the CEO cannot meet with them or who are willing to betray their bosses or their causes because they were not rewarded promptly. 


Investment Advice: Invest.






Managerial Issue: The CEO – properly managing the times of progress by moving forward independently but with support of others.


Managerial Lesson: Be resolute, be independent. 


Managerial Warning: At the third stage of the Progress Time-Space, the CEO might not be independent enough to succeed when facing dangers by himself.


Managerial Advice: The Superior CEO recognizes when fate is on his side and takes advantage of these moments of progress.  He is humble enough to accept the support of others provided he remains independent of pressures from those who support him. 


Investment Advice: Invest.






Managerial Issue: The CEO – managing in the midst of progress - dealing with corruption.


Managerial Lesson: Be honest. 


Managerial Warning:  At the fourth stage of the Progress Time-Space, the CEO risks implementing dubious procedures.  When the team (made up of the able CEO and the loyal assistant) have brought success to the corporation, they risk a strong temptation for the loyal assistant or for any other executive in authority to look for personal gains.  Corruption can easily set in at this moment. 


Managerial Advice: The Superior CEO is honest because he is a man of principles.  He knows that the time of Progress (The rising of the Sun) means both that the elements for success are present, and that any dark or hidden action will be discovered.  No one will get away with any act of corruption once the light shines on it.


Investment Advice: Do not invest. 




Managerial Issue: The CEO – managing at a time of progress - maintaining the proper attitude.


Managerial Lesson: Be gentle. 


Managerial Warning: At the fifth stage of the Progress Time-Space, the CEO finds he must keep the proper positive attitude even if he is not able to make the most of the times of progress. 


Managerial Advice: The Superior CEO is both humble and grateful.  He never brags.  He is above winning or losing.  He remains focused on making the most of the times of progress.


Investment Advice: Invest






Managerial Issue: The CEO – managing progress - reaching the limits of aggressive punishment.


Managerial Lesson: Be prudent. 


Managerial Warning: At the sixth stage of the Progress Time-Space, the CEO must deal with the mistakes of his own – e.g. a loyal assistant who has gone overboard in his zealousness for doing his duty to please his CEO.  Such attitude on the part of the assistant brings harm to the corporation and works against the elements of success, which are present in this propitious time. 


Managerial Advice: The Superior CEO differentiates in his attitude in dealing with his own people’s mistakes and someone else’s.  He knows he may be aggressive in punishing his own but he cannot be aggressive in punishing those outside the corporation.


Investment Advice: Do not invest.