Harpoon Therapeutics Inc HARP under CEO Julie Eastland

Harpoon Therapeutics Inc HARP under CEO Julie Eastland


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HEXAGRAM 02 – K’un – The Receptive



This hexagram is made up of broken lines only.

The broken line represents the dark, yielding, receptive primal power of yin.

The attribute of the hexagram is devotion;

its image is the earth.

It is the perfect complement of THE CREATIVE – the complement, not the opposite, 1

for the Receptive does not combat the Creative but complements it.

It represents

  • nature in contrast to spirit,
  • earth in contrast to heaven,
  • space as against time,
  • the female-maternal as against the male-paternal.

However, as applied to human affairs,

the principle of this complementary relationship is found

  • not only in the relation between man and woman,
  • but also in that between prince and minister and
  • between father and son.

Indeed, even in the individual this duality appears in the coexistence of

  • the spiritual world and
  • the world of the senses.

But strictly speaking there is no real dualism here,

because there is a clearly defined hierarchic relationship between the two principles.

In itself of course the Receptive is just as important as the Creative,

but the attribute of devotion defines the place occupied by this primal power in relation to the Creative.

For the Receptive must be activated and led by the Creative;

then it is productive of good.

Only when it abandons this position and tries to stand as an equal side by side with the Creative,

does it become evil.

The result then is opposition to and struggle against the Creative,

which is productive of evil to both.



THE RECEPTIVE brings about sublime success,

Furthering through the perseverance of a mare.

If the superior man undertakes something and tries to lead,

He goes astray;

But if he follows, he finds guidance

It is favorable to find friends in the west and south,

To forego friends in the east and north.

Quiet perseverance brings good fortune.

The four fundamental aspects of the Creative –

“sublime success, furthering through perseverance”- are also attributed to the Receptive.

Here, however, the perseverance is more closely defined: it is that of a mare.

The Receptive connotes spatial reality in contrast to the spiritual potentiality of the Creative.

The potential becomes real and the spiritual becomes spatial through a specifically qualifying definition.

Thus the qualification, “of a mare,” is here added to the idea of perseverance.

The horse belongs to earth just as the dragon belongs to heaven.

Its tireless roaming over the plains is taken as a symbol of the vast expanse of the earth.

This is the symbol chosen because the mare combines

  • the strength and swiftness of the horse with
  • the gentleness and devotion of the cow.

Only because nature in its myriad forms corresponds with the myriad impulses of the Creative

can it make these impulses real.

Nature’s richness lies in its power to nourish all living things;

its greatness lies in its power to give them beauty and splendor.

Thus it prospers all that lives.

It is the Creative that begets things, but they are brought to birth by the Receptive.

Applied to human affairs, therefore,

what the hexagram indicates is action in conformity with the situation.

The person in question is not in an independent position, but is acting as an assistant.

This means that he must achieve something.

It is not his task to try to lead – that would only make him lose the way –

but to let him be led.

If he knows how to meet fate with an attitude of acceptance, he is sure to find the right guidance.

The superior man

  • lets himself be guided;
  • he does not go ahead blindly,
  • but learns from the situation what is demanded of him and
  • then follows this intimation from fate.

Since there is something to be accomplished,

we need friends and helpers in the hour of toil and effort,

once the ideas to be realized are firmly set.

The time of toil and effort is indicated by the west and the south,

for west and south symbolize the place where the Receptive works for the Creative,

as nature does in summer and autumn.

If in that situation one does not mobilize all one’s powers,

the work to be accomplished will not be done.

Hence to find friends there means to find guidance.

But in addition to the time of toil and effort, there is also a time of planning, and for this we need solitude.

The east symbolizes the place where a man receives orders from his master and

the north the place where he reports on what he has done.

At that time he must be alone and objective.

In this sacred hour

  • he must do without companions so that
  • the purity of the moment may not be spoiled by factional hates and favoritism.



The earth’s condition is receptive devotion.

Thus the superior man who has breadth of character

Carries the outer world.

Just as there is only one heaven, so too there is only one earth.

In the hexagram of the heaven the (doubling, of the trigram implies duration in time,

but in the hexagram of earth the doubling connotes the solidity and extension in space by virtue of which

the earth is able to carry and preserve all things that live and move upon it.

The earth in its devotion carries all things, good and evil, without exception.

In the same way the superior man gives to his character breadth, purity, and sustaining power,

so that he is able both

  • to support and
  • to bear with people and things.




Six in the third place means:

Hidden lines.

One is able to remain persevering.

If by chance you are in the service of a king,

Seek not works, but bring to completion.

If a man is free of vanity

he is able to

  • conceal his abilities and
  • keep them from attracting attention too soon;

thus he can mature undisturbed.

  • If conditions demand it, he can also enter public life,
  • but that too he does with restraint.

The wise man gladly leaves fame to others.

He does not seek to have credited to himself things that stand accomplished, but

hopes to release active forces;

that is,

he completes his works in such a manner that they may bear fruit for the future.






HEXAGRAM 15 – Ch’ien – Modesty



This hexagram is made up of the trigrams

  • Ken, Keeping Still, mountain, and
  • K’un.

The mountain is the youngest son of the Creative, the representative of heaven on earth.


  • dispenses the blessings of heaven, the clouds and rain that gather round its summit, and thereafter
  • shines forth radiant with heavenly light.

This shows

  • what modesty is and
  • how it functions in great and strong men.

K’un, the earth, stands above.

Lowliness is a quality of the earth:

this is the very reason why it appears in this hexagram as exalted,

by being placed above the mountain.

This shows how modesty functions in lowly, simple people: they are lifted up by it.



MODESTY creates success.

The superior man carries things through.

It is the law of heaven

  • to make fullness empty and
  • to make full what is modest;
  • when the sun is at its zenith,
    • it must, according to the law of heaven, turn toward its setting, and
  • at its nadir
    • it rises toward a new dawn.

In obedience to the same law,

the moon

  • when it is full begins to wane, and
  • when empty of light it waxes again.

This heavenly law works itself out in the fates of men also.

It is the law of earth

  • to alter the full and
  • to contribute to the modest.
  • High mountains are worn down by the waters, and
  • the valleys are filled up.

It is the law of fate

  • to undermine what is full and
  • to prosper the modest.

And men also

  • hate fullness and
  • love the modest.

The destinies of men are subject to immutable laws that must fulfill themselves.


man has it in his power to shape his fate,

according as his behavior exposes him to the influence of benevolent or of destructive forces.


  • a man holds a high position and is nevertheless modest,
  • he shines with the light of wisdom;


  • he is in a lowly position and is modest,
  • he cannot be passed by.

Thus the superior man

  • can carry out his work to the end
  • without boasting of what he has achieved.



Within the earth, a mountain: The image Of MODESTY.

Thus the superior man

  • reduces that which is too much, And
  • augments that which is too little.


  • weighs things and
  • makes them equal.

The wealth of the earth in which a mountain is hidden is not visible to the eye,

because the depths are offset by the height of the mountain.


high and low complement each other, and

the result is the plain.

Here an effect that it took a long time to achieve,

but that in the end seems easy of accomplishment and self-evident,

is used as the image of modesty.

The superior man does the same thing when he establishes order in the world;


  • equalizes the extremes that are the source of social discontent and thereby
  • creates just and equable conditions. 1



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