VistaGen Therapeutics VTGN under CEO Shawn Singh

VistaGen Therapeutics VTGN under CEO Shawn Singh


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HEXAGRAM 08 – Pi – Holding Together [Union]



The waters on the surface of the earth flow together wherever they can,

as for example in the ocean,

where all the rivers come together.

Symbolically this connotes

  • holding together and
  • the laws that regulate it.

The same idea is suggested by the fact that

all the lines of the hexagram except the fifth, the place of the ruler, are yielding.

The yielding lines hold together because they are influenced by

  • a man of strong will in the leading position,
  • a man who is their center of union.

Moreover, this strong and guiding personality in turn holds together with the others,

finding in them the complement of his own nature.



HOLDING TOGETHER brings good fortune.

Inquire of the oracle once again

Whether you possess sublimity, constancy, and perseverance;

Then there is no blame.

Those who are uncertain gradually join.

Whoever comes too late

Meets with misfortune.

What is required is that we unite with others, in order that

all may complement and aid one another through holding together.

But such holding together calls for a central figure around whom other persons may unite.

To become a center of influence holding people together is a

  • grave matter and
  • fraught with great responsibility.

It requires

  • greatness of spirit,
  • consistency, and
  • strength.

Therefore let him who wishes to gather others about him ask himself whether he is equal to the undertaking,

for anyone attempting the task without a real calling for it

only makes confusion worse than if no union at all had taken place.

But when there is a real rallying point,

those who at first are hesitant or uncertain gradually come in of their own accord.

Late-comers must suffer the consequences, for in holding together the question of the right time is also important.

Relationships are formed and firmly established according to definite inner laws.

Common experiences strengthen these ties, and he who comes too late to share in these basic experiences must suffer for it if, as a straggler, he finds the door locked.

If a man

  • has recognized the necessity for union and
  • does not feel strong enough to function as the center,

it is his duty to become a member of some other organic fellowship.



On the earth is water: The image Of HOLDING TOGETHER.

Thus the kings of antiquity

  • Bestowed the different states as fiefs And
  • cultivated friendly relations With the feudal lords.


  • fills up all the empty places on the earth and
  • clings fast to it.

The social organization of ancient China was based on this principle of the holding together of

  • dependents and
  • rulers.

Water flows to unite with water, because all parts of it are subject to the same laws.

So too should human society hold together through a community of interests that

allows each individual to feel himself a member of a whole.

The central power of a social organization must see to it that

every member finds that his true interest lies in holding together with it,

as was the case in the paternal relationship between king and vassals in ancient China.




Six at the beginning means:

Hold to him in truth and loyalty;

This is without blame.

Truth, like a full earthen bowl:

Thus in the end

Good fortune comes from without.

Fundamental sincerity is the only proper basis for forming relationships.

This attitude,

symbolized by a full earthen bowl, in which the content is everything and the empty form nothing,

shows itself

  • not in clever words but
  • through the strength of what lies within the speaker.

This strength is so great that it has power to attract good fortune to itself from without.


0 Nine in the fifth place means:

Manifestation of holding together.

In the hunt the king uses beaters on three sides only

And foregoes game that runs off in front.

The citizens need no warning.

Good fortune.

In the royal hunts of ancient China it was customary to drive up the game from three sides,

but on the fourth the animals had a chance to run off.

If they failed to do this

they had to pass through a gate behind which the king stood ready to shoot.

Only animals that entered here were shot;

those that ran off in front were permitted to escape.

This custom accorded with a kingly attitude;

the royal hunter did not wish to turn the chase into a slaughter,

but held that the kill should consist only of those animals which had so to speak

voluntarily exposed themselves.

There is depicted here a ruler, or influential man, to whom people are attracted.

  • Those who come to him he accepts,
  • those who do not come are allowed to go their own way.

He invites none, flatters none – all come of their own free will.

In this way there develops a voluntary dependence among those who hold to him.

They do not have to be constantly on their guard but may express their opinions openly.

Police measures are not necessary, and they cleave to their ruler of their own volition.

The same principle of freedom is valid for life in general.

We should not woo favor from people.

If a man cultivates within himself

  • the purity and
  • the strength

that are necessary for one who is the center of a fellowship,

those who are meant for him come of their own accord.






HEXAGRAM 24 – Fu – Return (The Turning Point)



The idea of a turning point arises from

the fact that

  • after the dark lines have pushed all of the light lines upward and out of the hexagram,
  • another light line enters the hexagram from below.

The time of darkness is past.

The winter solstice brings the victory of light.

This hexagram is linked with the eleventh month,

the month of the solstice (December-January).



RETURN. Success.

  • Going out and coming in without error.
  • Friends come without blame.
  • To and fro goes the way.
  • On the seventh day comes return.
  • It furthers one to have somewhere to go.

After a time of decay comes the turning point.

The powerful light that has been banished returns.

There is movement, but

it is not brought about by force.

The upper trigram K’un is characterized by devotion;

thus the movement is natural,
arising spontaneously.

For this reason the transformation of the old becomes easy.

  • The old is discarded and
  • the new is introduced.

Both measures accord with the time;

therefore no harm results.

Societies of people sharing the same views are formed.

But since these groups

  • come together in full public knowledge and
  • are in harmony with the time,
  • all selfish separatist tendencies are excluded, and
  • no mistake is made.

The idea of RETURN is based on the course of nature.

  • The movement is cyclic, and
  • the course completes itself.


it is not necessary to hasten anything artificially.

Everything comes of itself at the appointed time.

This is the meaning of heaven and earth.

All movements are accomplished in six stages, and

the seventh brings return.


  • the Winter solstice, with which the decline of the year begins,
    • comes in the seventh month after the summer solstice;

so too

  • sunrise
    • comes in the seventh double hour after sunset.


seven is the number of the young light, and

it arises when six, the number of the great darkness, is increased by one.

In this way

the state of rest gives place to movement.



Thunder within the earth: The image of THE TURNING POINT.


  • the kings of antiquity closed the passes At the time of solstice.
  • Merchants and strangers did not go about, And
  • the ruler Did not travel through the provinces.

The winter solstice has always been celebrated in China as the resting time of the year –

a custom that survives in the time of rest observed at the new year.

In winter the life energy, symbolized by thunder, the Arousing is still underground.

Movement is just at its beginning;


it must be strengthened by rest,

so that it will not be dissipated by being used prematurely.

This principle, i.e., of allowing energy that is renewing itself to be reinforced by rest,

applies to all similar situations.

  • The return of health after illness,
  • the return of understanding after an estrangement:

everything must be treated tenderly and with care at the beginning,

so that the return may lead to a flowering.



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