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HEXAGRAM 04 – Meng – Youthful Folly



In this hexagram we are reminded of youth and folly, in two different ways.

  • The image of the upper trigram, Ken, is the mountain, that of the lower, K’an, is water;
    • the spring rising at the foot of the mountain is the image of inexperienced youth.
  • Keeping still is the attribute of the upper trigram; that of the lower is the abyss, danger.
    • Stopping in perplexity on the brink of a dangerous abyss is a symbol of the folly of youth.

However, the two trigrams also show the way of overcoming the follies of youth.

Water is something that of necessity flows on.

When the spring gushes forth, it does not know at first where it will go.

But its steady flow fills up the deep place blocking its progress, and success is attained.


YOUTHFUL FOLLY has success.

It is not I who seek the young fool;

The young fool seeks me.

At the first oracle I inform him.

If he asks two or three times, it is importunity.

If he importunes, I give him no information.

Perseverance furthers.

In the time of youth, folly is not an evil.

One may succeed in spite of it, provided one

  • finds an experienced teacher and
  • has the right attitude toward him.

This means, first of all, that the youth himself

  • must be conscious of his lack of experience and
  • must seek out the teacher.

Without this modesty and this interest there is no guarantee that he has the necessary receptivity,

which should express itself in respectful acceptance of the teacher.

This is the reason why the teacher must wait to be sought out instead of offering himself.

Only thus can the instruction take place

  • at the right time and
  • in the right way.

A teacher’s answer to the question of a pupil ought to be clear and definite

like that expected from an oracle;

thereupon it ought to be accepted as

  • a key for resolution of doubts and
  • a basis for decision.

If mistrustful or unintelligent questioning is kept up,

it serves only to annoy the teacher.

He does well to ignore it in silence,

just as the oracle

  • gives one answer only and
  • refuses to be tempted by questions implying doubt.

Given in addition a perseverance that never slackens

until the points are mastered one by one,

real success is sure to follow.

Thus the hexagram counsels

  • the teacher as well as
  • the pupil.


A spring wells up at the foot of the mountain: The image of YOUTH.

Thus the superior man fosters his character

By thoroughness in all that he does.

A spring

  • succeeds in flowing on and
  • escapes stagnation by filling up all the hollow places in its path.

In the same way character is developed by thoroughness that skips nothing but, like water,

gradually and steadily fills up all gaps and so flows onward.


0 Nine in the second place means:

To bear with fools in kindliness

brings good fortune.

To know how to take women

Brings good fortune.

The son is capable of taking charge of the household.

These lines picture a man

  • who has no external power, but
  • who has enough strength of mind to bear his burden of responsibility.

He has the inner superiority and strength that enable him to tolerate with kindliness the shortcomings of human folly.

The same attitude is owed to women as the weaker sex.

One must

  • understand them and
  • give them recognition

in a spirit of chivalrous consideration.

Only this combination of

  • inner strength with
  • outer reserve

enables one to take on the responsibility of directing a larger social body with real success.

0 Six in the fifth place means:

Childlike folly brings good fortune.

An inexperienced person who seeks instruction in a childlike and unassuming way is on the right path,

for the man devoid of arrogance who subordinates himself to his teacher will certainly be helped.

1.    (“Fool” and “folly” as used in this hexagram should be understood to mean the immaturity of youth and its consequent lack of wisdom, rather than mere stupidity. Parsifal is known as the “pure fool” not because he was dull-witted but because he was inexperienced.)


HEXAGRAM 20 – Kuan – Contemplation (View)



A slight variation of tonal stress gives the Chinese name for this hexagram a double meaning.

It means both

  • contemplating and
  • being seen, in the sense of being an example.

These ideas are suggested by the fact that the hexagram can be understood as picturing a type of tower characteristic of ancient China.

  • A tower of this kind commanded a wide view of the country;

    at the same time, when situated on a mountain,

  • it became a landmark that could be seen for miles around.

Thus the hexagram shows a ruler

  • who contemplates the law of heaven above him and the ways of the people below, and
  • who, by means of good government, sets a lofty example to the masses.

This hexagram is linked with the eighth month (September – October).

  • The light-giving power retreats and
  • the dark power is again on the increase.

However, this aspect is not material in the interpretation of the hexagram as a whole.



  • The ablution has been made,


  • not yet the offering.

Full of trust they look up to him.

The sacrificial ritual in China began with

  • an ablution and
  • a libation by which the Deity was invoked,

after which the sacrifice was offered.

The moment of time between these two ceremonies is the most sacred of all,

the moment of deepest inner concentration.

If piety is

  • sincere and
  • expressive of real faith,

the contemplation of it has a transforming and awe-inspiring effect

on those who witness it.

Thus also in nature

a holy seriousness is to be seen in the fact that

natural occurrences are uniformly subject to law.

Contemplation of the divine meaning underlying the workings of the universe gives

to the man who is called upon to influence others

the means of producing like effects.

This requires that power of inner concentration which religious contemplation

develops in great men strong in faith.

  • It enables them to apprehend the mysterious and divine laws of life, and

    by means of profoundest inner concentration

  • they give expression to these laws in their own persons.


a hidden spiritual power emanates from them,

influencing and dominating others

without their being aware of how it happens.


The wind blows over the earth: The image of CONTEMPLATION.

Thus the kings of old

  • visited the regions of the world,
  • Contemplated the people, And
  • gave them instruction.

When the wind blows over the earth it

  • goes far and wide and
  • the grass must bend to its power.

These two occurrences find confirmation in the hexagram.

The two images are used to symbolize a practice of the kings of old;

  1. in making regular journeys the ruler could, in the first place,

    survey his realm and

    make certain that none of the existing usages of the people escaped notice;

  2. in the second,

    he could exert influence through which such customs as were unsuitable

    could be changed.

All of this points to the power possessed by a superior personality.

  • On the one hand, such a man
    • will have a view of the real sentiments of the great mass of humanity and therefore
    • cannot be deceived;
  • on the other, he
    • will impress the people so profoundly,
      • by his mere existence and
      • by the impact of his personality,

      that they will be swayed by him as the grass by the wind.



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