The media and the proper frame of mind

The media and the proper frame of mind

Investing with the I CHING requires the investor be calm both when asking the question and while waiting for the years it takes for his investments to become profitable.  It is similar to the calmness of the center of a hurricane while all around the investor everyone is hysterical.


At a time of madness when financial reporters from CNBC, CNN or Bloomberg hysterically report directly from the floor of the NYSE, it is time for the investor to look for a new approach.  An approach based of calmness in the midst of madness.  A “far, far from the maddening crowd” attitude.  This approach is the I CHING’s.  It will help you focus on a few corporations you believe in.  It will make you hold on to your investments for a few years regardless of the media hype.  It will make you watch the news in a different light.   It will make you wealthy.  It will make you a better man.



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